How To Help The Community

A sentiment I hear often is that many would help in the community, in the flavor of activism, if they “knew how to”. I've heard it from countless people, and I've heard others talk about how they hear the same thing too.

I am of the belief that everyone is good at something. Be it management, math, art, programming, whatever. What would happen if everyone took their own talents and used them as a way to help the community in some way?

I think it would kill two birds with one stone if it was used for activism. Someone can indulge in their craft and give a boost to the community, solving their own problem of “not knowing how to help”.

Though I also believe that we're stronger together, and that multiple people can achieve what one person can't. So let's take that a step further, if we had a well organized activism project, where each person contributed in their own way, what would that look like? Journalists writing for a blog, artists making posters and logos, programmers making websites, etc.

This community needs a push to get things done, and I think the best way to do that is to have good management in teamwork, but that can only go so far without the right tools. It's hard to collaborate effectively over Matrix. But using the right groupware? With task delegation, calendars, shared notes and file storage? I believe that is the final ingredient in a recipe of success that is built on the internet.

It's something I am taking an interest in right now. A lot still needs to happen under the hood, but I can't help but think about what it would be like if everyone I've personally heard say that they “don't know how to help” contributed to something. I have met many beings in this community: cancelled musicians, talented programmers, journalists and writers, artists of many different style, and, among them, those called activists, who want to be a driving change. I think we work best together, and when we have activists with a talent in leadership work with people of diverse talent, I think great things can be spawned from it.

If you really wanna help this community, if you really would help if you only knew what to do, then please reach out to people like me, me included. You might not know how to help, but someone else might know exactly how.

Of course, there are countless other ways to help the community. This is the most direct in my opinion, but there's also financial help, fighting off antis and getting accounts blocked, building up publicity, etc. If you are more suited for one of these things, I have seen many do great things by them. Everyone has a way they can help, even if it doesn't seem like much, it helps.