Ally Kotetsu

Beyond the Plus · Live

There are many news sources online, I am sure we are all familiar with the likes of FOX News and CNN. Bigger news publishers like these tend to focus on the biggest headlines, but when it comes to smaller communities that need the spotlight just as much as big ones, what about smaller publishers?


In case you didn't see my last post (the blog can be weird sometimes) I have a new pedi instance open for applications at and my account there is @allykotetsu. If you're interested in joining, check out Announcing: It does not federate, so if you wanna see any of the content on it you'll have to sign up, for privacy reasons. is getting a new feature: social media! A bit late to the party, but in an attempt to create a platform that won't go down, I am throwing my hat into the microblog race, with a few big differences than other fedi instances.


This weekend I met one of my good friends on pedi. Every time I meet someone it's always prefaced by anxiety, worried that things won't happen the way I think they will. But meeting someone like me, someone that society has tried to suppress and rid of a life, always reminds me about the community we're fighting for, and how good that is. Everyone behind a profile picture is a real person with friends and family, struggles and aspirations. It's worth fighting for. I've had the privilege of meeting so many great people, and I know there are more out there. It has made me incredibly happy that I've caused people to meet others, and I will always suggest that people do it. It really changes your life once you know you're not alone.


You are loved by friends, you are loved by family. You are loved by humans, you are loved by animals. You are loved by old, you are loved by young. You were loved yesterday, you are loved today, and you will still be loved tomorrow.


In September, the domains for (the 17th) and (the 24th) will both expire and I do not plan to renew them. If someone else purchases those domains, it is not me. I don't think that will happen, and if so then I will issue a warning post, but this is simply a precaution.

A sentiment I hear often is that many would help in the community, in the flavor of activism, if they “knew how to”. I've heard it from countless people, and I've heard others talk about how they hear the same thing too.


I didn't think I'd have to say this, but in case it wasn't clear, lyrics I make do not always reflect reality.



Hi, I'm Ally Kotetsu, a radical queer activist who wants to see the world become a better place for queer people outside of what the mainstream considers “queer”, be it otherkin, pedophiles, whatever—as long as it's not a hate group and causing less inclusivity by existing, then I wanna fight for its rights. My motivation is that I am many of these ostracized identities, and I know that by fighting for the right of bodily autonomy, we can all get what we want.