Follow Up

I didn't think I'd have to say this, but in case it wasn't clear, lyrics I make do not always reflect reality.

This might be hard to believe, but I, in fact, do not actually exchange nudes with minors. Even if offered, I would decline. I know it is illegal, and I know that everything I say should be considered public knowledge forever, so it would be stupid of me to say something incriminating in a song that I knew would end up reaching people that want to see me behind bars. Contrary to popular belief by said people, I am not stupid.

It has been my goal to be an activist, and every day I try to make steps towards it where I can say that I am an activist and have something to show for it. Knowing the attention that an activist in my area will garner, why would I risk illegal activity? Not only would it put myself at risk, but everyone else who trusts me.

Trust is a hard thing to gain in communities as paranoid as this one, and it's not something I play around with lightly. The last thing I want to do is go to prison, for many reasons, the main one being that I would let down everyone who ever trusted me, and break every promise I made to myself that I would make this world a better place.

So, no, minors do not send nudes to me. I do not have sex with children. I do not intend on killing antis or committing gun violence. Everything I say in a song should be taken with a grain of salt. I do, however, think that children should not be gatekept from sexuality. I meant it when I said that the problem is keeping them in the dark.

Some lyrics reflect my opinion, some don't. Some reflect reality, some don't. It's just a song, and it's nothing more than that. My goal was to, ultimately, have fun enjoying my craft as a musician and writer, and see the reactions. So if you think that my lyrics are an “admission of crime”, then please consider whether or not rappers like Eminem, who were my inspiration, really kill people. Should they be “in orange” too?

Something I have been battling lately is my need for professionalism. I do not like having to censor myself, and carefully consider every word that I rap or write, but in today's world, anything can be used against you. I often see professionalism as an invention of capitalism, something invented to make businesses with a higher budget seem better than others, but in cases like these it's necessary for me to be more professional, knowing the watchful eye on me, how every little thing can be taken the wrong way, and how people who don't like you will pick apart your content and only focus on the parts they don't like. This has been eye-opening in showing me that it is necessary for me to be more careful with what I do, and, ultimately, being more professional is the mean to that end.

I'm glad that my friends within the community have praised the song, I worked very hard on it. Tried to get it out as fast as I could, and I am also glad that I am being given publicity by those that do not like me. It seems that every time I say that I want it, I get it. Last time it spooked me quite bad, but this time I am prepared for whatever comes my way. Nothing will stop me or slow me down, I have plans and projects, and this is not the last you will hear from me. :3