Don't Hide

Lyrics: I'm not the one who started this shit It isn't really even about me But y'all finally decided to take our advice And aim at other people in the scene So now that you fuckers know my name And you little bitches fuckin post my face You thought you got me in the scope today But things aren't gonna luck and go your way Tried to shut me down and shut me up But I'm gonna say something loud and have some fun You don't deserve the energy I'm expending But it's too fun not to hit you with some mud When I posted at pride I saw it eat you But your evil agendas are far too see through Hit me in the jaw and you got my sweet tooth You bitches couldn't even shut down rqd2 Yuh

I shouldn't be falling for this bait but I'm so mad Not firing back is gonna take, what, all I have You pussies think that you can break my fuckin back With the weight of this but I don't think that you're all that You think I'm hiding cuz my legal name is tied If that's the case then why the fuck would my New website have my fuckin' name and I'm So confused how you think these things are timed How stupid do you have to be to not see the timeline First I changed my name and then I made my Websites, and now that I have a new one you find You suddenly think this rebrand is to hide Well If I'm trying to conceal my identity Then I'm doing an awful job to pretend to be Someone else, trying to cement my legacy Going to become the activist I was meant to be It's funny how you think you did something Repost my dox and expect it to mean something What did you really think that little stunt did? You think I'm scared cuz you did what bitch? A Google search told you all you need to know Like you think I haven't seen that shit before? You think I'll back down cuz you found my home? It didn't work the first time, the second, bring it on And I know that it'll happen again I fully expect that one day I'll be dead Shot full of lead from a person pretending That one less pedo will make the world good again I ain't even attracted that much to be honest and Y'all actin' like I'm fuckin killing bodies then Everybody knows I live in Washington? So you'll go and do what? frickin dox again?

So you think that you can give me shit and I won't reply? Don't you know when in the heat of fire That I won't hide?

Tell me what were you like as a child? Why live in denial? I was eleven when I first learned about doggy style And I'm not talking about the kind that Snoop Doggy styled Sexuality is a part of normal development Keeping it away from kids is a punishment Let them do what they want, it's just embellishment If they decide they don't wanna stay celibate Knowledge is a weapon that we arm em Keeping them in the dark, that's the problem Then you wonder years later how come My child got abused when sex we never taught em We're not forcing anyone to do nothing And everything they do on our sites is their fuckin' Choice, why is it so hard to know something Kids love pedos, but you antis go runnin' And this is the part where I snap and fire back At the people who turned on what I fired at Treated me like a wet pile of crap Couldn't fight em back, and so then I took slack In my history, my friends to be all turned their backs on me Thought it would help, only dissatisfactory They gon hit me with charges like a battery But I'll level and admit that the attention is flattery I'm down in the trenches below but I know That one day I will rise and will sit on my throne In my Seattle home, by the sea throwin stones But the rest of y'all will be kicking rocks, piss and moan Came back like a zombie, some might say I'm dead And I frighten the rest, when I tight, aim the TEC In my scope got you in line of sight sprayin lead But unlike Crooks I hit em right in the head

Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, uh You finally got Ari to snap But ill always be a map Under fire I don't sit back I attack And I stack bodies like potato chip snacks Some say my bars are like moles cuz they're wack But I hit em and fire as I pull out the gat Where all of you at? I need something for snappin Take a crack at the map and you'll see what I'm packin At bars I'm not lacking, wrote this while I'm napping Make antis collapsin' while I sit here just yakkin' But we need action, can't just let them attack us Someone's gotta give em a smackin Let's see their reactions cuz they think that I'm cappin' So this is my rappin', what's the worst that could happen? Lil bitch, I'm all out to get you Yeah, it's Ally Kotetsu This one's the one that'll stay like a tattoo And catch like an “atchoo!” This activism here's my life So you thought I'd just curl up and die? Someday I'm gonna be out on the line Be proud and out loud like the Fourth of July It's horse shit, you lie, when you act like a spy Don't try and deny cuz I'm back like a spine I've been waiting for a push to rap shit online Had writer's block but now I'm back on the mic There's nothing wrong with posting nudes online And you say the difference is that youth like mine But what about every other group I find? Think that every twitter user's age is two times nine? Cuz I have a pedo cock that fucks little girls And I go to pride with a heart and swirls I don't care if you tell the whole fuckin' world Bout this narrative you're painting on me like a mural Shoutout to every other activist Katie and Ezra shouldn't have to handle this But it's the reason we rise up like we're Lazarus But you hide cuz you're worried we'll smack a bitch Oh, and sorry I don't bleach, yeah you saw that Make it obvious you never seen a raw crack Lick my trans pedo cock girl ballsack So you can just go and kiss my “unwashed” ass Cmon, don't take this shit too seriously If I take my attraction and rep it fearlessly and cheerfully Already been doxxed, but now I've reared the streets And when I press play I don't need sheet for you to fear the beats I'm done taunting you I just wanted to diss you on a song or two There's nothing more I want from you Except for you to give more thoughts to views I'd give my life to this cause, I'll die 'fore I dial Back, and you haven't made me cry in a while I'm stronger than I was than back then when I was a child So I'm sorry I don't have minors DNI in my bio But what I do have is this DNA in my biology To give kids the free will to choose to be Whatever they choose to be Especially if that means sending nudes to me So don't think this lunacy is at all new to me This our community, so go 'head do your thing Anyone else? I refuse to be Cuz unlike you I don't hide behind a computer screen